Website Design FAQ – Most Common Questions, Answers

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Website Design FAQ

We have provided a few of the most common questions asked of our staff. The answer to these questions may prove beneficial in choosing your web design team.

1. How does a business get online?
2. How much will a web site cost?
3. What is the design and development process of the web site?
4. Do you perform web site updates or re-design?
5. How long does it take to build a web site?
6. What is the Key to a Successful Web Site?

How does a business get online?

Many businesses look for the cheapest way to get online. Although cost does play a factor, most often than not a business gets what it pays for in a web site. Many businesses claim to have a computer expert on the premises that can build the site in-house. This may be so but developing a successful web site takes more than simple HTML and some graphics. A successful web site is a big part of the overall marketing strategy of a business. A web site is successful by focusing on the business target market, integrating existing marketing strategies into a uniform campaign, effective user navigation and a host of other technical and design issues.

Professional developers can give you:

Design knowledge
Graphic design skills
Technical skills
Advanced interaction
Knowledge in what does and does not work
Marketing know-how
Dynamic content
Experience how the web works effectively

Letting a professional design and development team such as Jalaram Techno Web Designers build and maintain your business web site gives your business an advantage over those businesses who do not hire a professional. Knowing the Web, how it works, and how to communicate effectively using the Web will make your Web strategy successful.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us by e-mail. Whatever your business requires, count on the team at Jalaram Techno Web Designers to have the skill, know-how, and ability to cover all your web site needs.

How much will a web site cost?

Finding a reasonable price for your web site is a challenge in itself. We believe that prices should be related to costs, value and work involved…not invented. So what does a web site cost? Well this all depends on whether you want a Volkswagen or a Lexus and the choice of options you require. Web sites are no different in the multitude of styles and options. Depending upon your marketing budget, you can have a basic presence on the Web or you can have a fully functional database driven eCommerce site.

Before you decide what type of web site you need for your business we really need to sit down with you or discuss your project over the telephone so we can accurately assess your web site needs and functionality required. Our project manager would be pleased to discuss your web site needs so please call or use our contact form.

Our designers develop unique handcrafted sites tailored for each of our clients by getting to know your business and industry. Our high quality standards for appearance, functionality, readability and ease of navigation ensure the professional image your business deserves. Our team’s success is intrinsically bound to your success, and we work as hard as we can to make both our teams successful. Thus the result is a web site that accurately represents your business and has the greatest commercial potential.

After discussing your web site plans and objectives for the web site and upon our analyzing your web site needs and taking your budget into consideration, we prefer to provide you with a written price quote stating exactly what a successful project should entail.

We would be pleased to provide you with a written proposal on the design, developing and marketing of your business web site. To start the process, just give us a call or contact us by e-mail.


Website Design FAQ

What is the design and development process of the web site?

1. Define Scope And Objectives

We need to determine, through our meeting with you and your staff, the scope and objectives of the project. Defining what you your web site needs to accomplish, what kind of impression you want to portray and what technologies might be required to accomplish the established objectives. Depending upon the scope of your web site we then create a site map highlighting proposed structure and site navigation.

2. Proposal

We then create a proposal detailing exactly what your project entails, the cost of developing your project, who the contacts will be, turnaround times and deliverable.

3. Research

We will conduct a competitive analysis to see if the competition is online and if so, we will use our expertise to do an in-depth inventory analysis of their web site’s strengths and weaknesses. From that research, we will build your site based on the competition’s weaknesses using creative techniques that will appeal to your target audience and encourage them to visit your site again. Using the competition’s weaknesses as your strengths, we will keep your site on the cutting edge.

4. Design Process

With the web site structure being finalized, the creative design process begins. After an initial design discussion, we prepare design concepts for your review, discussion and selection. The designers work closely with you and your staff to ensure complete satisfaction with the design concepts. If revisions are required the concepts are then re-worked to your satisfaction and the general look and feel of the site is established.

5. Content

The content is then decided upon with a focus on marketing your products and services. Photos and imagery are then discussed, created and finalized. If we are writing the content we will outline the content requirements. Our copywriter will work with your staff to collect the information and details we will need. Your text will be prepared for your review and acceptance.

6. Production

The actual development of the web site has begun and you will be able to view the progress of the site online in a special client’s web site directory. You will have an opportunity to review the site page by page. Once the project meets with your approval the pages are uploaded to your web directory, the marketing strategies begin.

7. Site Promotion

All of the web sites we design receive free web site submission to the major search engines. But this does not guarantee a high ranking. This depends upon the search engine placement requirements.

8. Ongoing Support

Once essential marketing and promotion is underway for your web site we are still here to provide you with ongoing support for your web site. If you have any questions about our design and development process we would be glad to answer those questions for you. So please call us today or e-mail us to chat about your new design project or about updating your current web site or the marketing of your web site.


Do you perform web site updates or re-design?

Yes. There is little point in placing your web site on the web and then forgetting about the site. If your site never changes, there is really no reason why someone should come back. You need to keep your site updated to attract potential clients back by adding new material, new features, new resources and new information. By continually revising your web strategies visitors are more likely to become clients or customers and they are more likely to recommend your site to others.

There are no hard and fast rules on how often you should update the information on your web site. Constant experimentation is the only way to determine what is necessary. Whether you update your site on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, the amount of updates you propose, will be ultimately dependent upon your business objectives, your budget and the success of your web site.

You need to determine some guidelines that you will use to measure the success of your web site such as the number of customers you serve, number of pages viewed, which pages are viewed the most and the number of sales generated through your site. Then analyze your findings as to which approach brings the most orders, what strategies are working, improve upon them and drop the ones that are not working. You won’t know what works until you try them so plan on continuous, incremental improvements until you achieve the results you want.

Depending upon your needs we can provide you with a written proposal on your updates or we can provide you with our hourly rates for our services depending again, upon your needs.

Enlist our team, utilize your plan and let’s give it a go. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. So drop us a line so we can establish a meeting to discuss your plans. We’d be delighted to hear from you.

How long does it take to build a web site?

Our web design team is well aware of today’s fast-paced business processes. Your web site design time frame will be determined by 5 factors; the size of your web site, the amount of graphics and complexity of your site design, functionality, and our current client design schedule.

The bottom line is how quickly and also on how ‘finished’ your material is when you send it to us. In other words, firm written ideas put on paper translates immediately into Web ready content and design for online publication. When you have gathered all of your web site information and content, we will give you an estimated completion date before we begin to create the web site. Within the proposal, we include our professional estimation of how long completion will take. We aim to complete all our objectives by a mutually agreeable date.

The designers at Jalaram Techno Web Designers will gladly meet with you and your staff for a free consultation. Please contact us for more information or call us.

What is the Key to a Successful Web Site?

Planning, yes.
Excellent design, yes.
Sound Hosting Company, yes.
Comprehensive site promotion, yes.
Keeping the site up-to date, absolutely.